Adding animation to powerpoint presentation
Adding animation to powerpoint presentation

Steps to apply multiple animations to a single object: To apply these changes click on Add Animation command, this option will allow adding new animations without changing the old ones. And sometimes to make the content interactive we need to add 2 or more effects. If you want to add new animation then we can reselect in the animation group but to add new animation without changing the existing one we use this option. It totally depends on the animation which is selected. We can use these options by accessing the Effect Options command in the Animation group. For example, in the effect of the random bars, we can control that we need vertical or horizontal bars. Some effects will have options you can change. In the Slide pane, a star symbol appears next to the slide, by which we can confirm that animation is applied. Step 4: The effect will apply to the object. Step 3: A drop-down menu of animation effects will appear. Step 2: Go to the animation tab and click on the dropdown to view all types of animations. Step 1: Select the object you want to animate. Motion Paths: They are similar to emphasis animation effects, but these animations are a little advanced as the object will move in a specified path.For example, in the Fade animation, the object will fade away. Exit: These have a set of animations to control the exit animations.For example, we can make the object wave after the entrance animation has finished. Emphasis: This type of animation usually occurs by the mouse clicks i.e when the object is already on the slide.For example, with the fly animation, the object will “fly” onto the slide from any of the 4 directions. Entrance: It has animations telling that how an object should enter.There are so many in-built animation effects provided by MS PowerPoint, and they are categorized into four types: The animations for the current slide will play. From the Animations tab, click the Preview command.Navigate to the slide you want to preview.You can preview the animations quickly for the current slide without clicking the option of the slideshow. Animation Painter (available for new version)Īnimation effects that you have applied will show when you play the slide show.

adding animation to powerpoint presentation

Now we see the various options present under the animations tab and discuss them one by one: Now we will learn more about animations in MS Powerpoint.Īnimations are one of the most important features of MS PowerPoint from which we can make creative templates out of it. You can see this option under the Animations tab. But majorly it is used for the purpose of education and business sectors. PowerPoint animations are used to create games or movies. You can see this option under the Design tab. We can also create our own type of slide design and use it. MS PowerPoint has various themes using different types of textures and backgrounds as in-built. You can see all of them under the Insert tab. We can attach audio, videos, images, etc inside the PowerPoint presentation to make the presentation more interesting. ISRO CS Syllabus for Scientist/Engineer Exam.ISRO CS Original Papers and Official Keys.GATE CS Original Papers and Official Keys.

Adding animation to powerpoint presentation