Depending on the timing of a State's system and the timeliness of report submission by participating households, such notice may be received prior to agency action, at the time reduced benefits are received, or, if benefits are terminated, at the time benefits would have been received if they had not been terminated. Part 285 describes the general terms and conditions under which grant funds are provided to the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.Īdequate notice in a periodic reporting system such as monthly reporting or quarterly reporting means a written notice that includes a statement of the action the agency has taken or intends to take the reason for the intended action the household's right to request a fair hearing the name of the person to contact for additional information the availability of continued benefits and the liability of the household for any overissuances received while awaiting a fair hearing if the hearing official's decision is adverse to the household. Part 284 provides for a nutrition assistance program for the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). Part 282 provides guidelines for initiation, selection, and operation of demonstration, research, and evaluation projects. Part 281 sets forth guidelines for designating Indian tribes as State agencies. Part 280 explains procedures for issuing emergency benefit allotments to certain victims of disasters unable to purchase adequate amounts of food. Part 279 establishes the procedures for administrative and judicial reviews requested by food retailers, food wholesalers, and meal services. Part 278 delineates the terms and conditions for the participation of retail food stores, wholesale food concerns, meal services, and insured financial institutions. Part 277 outlines procedures for payment of administrative costs of State agencies. Part 276 establishes State agency liability and certain Federal sanctions. Part 275 sets forth guidelines for monitoring SNAP, analyzing the results and formulating corrective action. Part 274 provides requirements for the issuance of SNAP benefits to eligible households and establishes related issuance responsibilities. Part 273 describes the eligibility criteria to be applied by State agencies and related processing requirements and standards.

Part 272 sets forth policies and procedures governing State agencies which participate in the program. Part 271 contains general information, definitions, and other material applicable to all parts of this subchapter.